Summer Skin
"In the embrace of summer's golden glow,
Orange blossoms whisper secrets untold."
How to keep your skin healthy & radiant.
— Staying hydrated : One of the first and very essential steps to keep your skin moisturised and healthy is drinking plenty of water, this helps to prevent it becoming dry and flaky. You can add some lemon or cucumber if you like some flavour.
— Apply sunscreen with a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, even on a cloudy day. ( Don’t forget to wash it off before bedtime! )
— Use a cleanser twice a day that is gentle for your skin and doesn’t leave your skin feeling dry or thight.
— Exfoliate : This helps to remove dead skin cells and avoid a dull looking complexion. Be careful to not over-exfoliate since this can cause skin irritation and make your skin more sensitive. Use a gentle natural scrub or an enzym peel.
— Cold showers : They increase the blood circulation which gives you a healthier complexion. When you expose your body to cold water it also activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the release of noradrenaline which results in more energy and a brighter complexion. Hot showers strip away the natural oils of the skin, so by taking a cold shower you help to keep the skins natural oils.
— A balanced diet :
Omega-3 Fatty Acids, these healthy fats help to maintain the skin’s moisture barrier and reduce inflammation. Sources like chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts and fatty fish (mackerel, sardines and salmon).
Probiotic-Rich Foods, A healthy gut is essential for a healthy body. Include Yoghurt, Kefir, Fermented veggies, Kimchi, Miso, … A balanced gut often leads to a more balanced skin.
Turmeric, you can add this to soups, curries, smoothies,… It’s a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound.
Swap your regular coffee once and awhile with Green Tea, antioxidant rich.
Other healthy foods that could be an option to add to your diet are citrus fruits (packed with vit C), Seaweed (lots of minerals and vitamins), Dark chocolate - 70% or more ( antioxidants and magnesium), Pumpkin Seeds (a nutritional powerhouse for your skin).
Every body is different so please be aware that there’s no universal diet. What works for you might not work for someone else.
— Moisturising daily
Moisturising daily is essential for maintaining a radiant complexion, even on hot, sweaty summer days. Including a face oil and face mist in your summer skincare routine can provide extra hydration and nourishment to your skin.
If you prefer a more lightweight serum-like texture, you can mix the face oil with the Hydrating Floral mist. This combination will give your skin a boost of hydration without feeling heavy.
Layering is also important. You can use our Hydrating Floral Mist throughout the day whenever your skin feels dry or tired. Yes, you can even spritz it over your makeup and sunscreen.
When travelling by flight it's a great addition to your carry-on to combat dryness.
By following these steps, your skin will be grateful and maintain its healthy glow.